
This will be an odds'n'ends page for miscellaneous sewing.

My Darling Grand-Kids--known as DGK's--have been asking me to create "Fuzzie Monsters" for them. The original pattern made backpacks but, since my DGK's already have backpacks for school, I decided to use the pattern to create pillows instead.  Because the pattern called for "fur," I freely substituted a plush throw with a silky feel, perfect for a soft pillow for the children's beds--or so I thought.

The material, however, has proved to be anything but easy to sew.  It's slippery, even when pinned, and it sheds silky fur fibers with every cut to the extreme. So much for my "brilliant" idea!

This photo shows some of the pattern pieces already cut and partially sewn.  At the bottom is the front of the pillow with the monster's mouth and teeth stitched on.  Above (clockwise) are an arm--already stitched and turned, one of the ears and the legs, cut out but not sewn.

No, it's not blue fried eggs! It's monster eyes of felt and pinned for hand stitching.

Rather than stitch and turn two slick layers of fur, I changed my mind and decided to use felt for the lining.  So, what happens when you're not paying attention to sewing? Why, you sew the pattern pieces wrong side out! 

Oops!  Ordinarily, I would rip out the seam and re-stitch it.  But, with this very soft material, I would undoubtedly end up tearing the fabric, leaving holes, or totally ruining the ears.  However, the solution was easy: get Creative!!  Rather than trying to un-do what I had already sewn, I decided to capitalize on my mistake and just incorporate it into the design.  I trimmed some of the seam allowance and then overcast the edges to prevent more raveling.

Voila--monster ears with the appearance of "spikes" in the fur!

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